Assisted reproduction techniques, with their sophistication and significant success rates, have brought back hope to couples struggling with infertility. However, fertility treatments can be extremely physically and emotionally demanding. Infertility is almost always accompanied by feelings of anxiety, disappointment, and frustration towards a pressing desire that is not fulfilled, and those feelings can in turn negatively affect the process of treatment. Previous failed IVF attempts, a history of miscarriages, and going through the actual fertility treatment stages, all create an emotional rollercoaster that brings each partner to the limits of their abilities to cope with stress and trauma.
How does a couple experience and cope with infertility?
The way a couple experiences the psychological challenges of infertility depends on various parameters, pertaining to individual as much as couple’s characteristics. Among these, individual stressors like mourning a loss, work or living condition changes, financial difficulties that might be related to the high cost of treatments, and other factors unrelated to infertility, need to be dealt with before they interfere with treatments.
Coping with fertility treatments equally depends on the existence of support systems in their environment - like family and friends - which is often very limited as many couples struggle to share their fertility journey with their loved ones. A solid marital relationship is critical to navigating the fertility process. That being said, an unfulfilled desire for a child can test a couple’s communication skills, the quality of their bonding, and their desire to be together. The good news is that their relationship can e stronger than ever if they pass through this test. We are here to help.
At Thrive, we support individuals with IVF and infertility issues through individual therapy, support groups, and therapeutic groups. We have three psychologists who can support you on your assisted reproductive journey - Dr. Vassiliki Simoglou, Dr. Kate Prozeller, and Pashmi Khare (M.Sc.)

Call us now for more information about how we can support you on your assisted reproductive journey.

Your well-being is important, we specialize in supporting couples through their IVF and Infertility journey. We are here for you.