What is CBT Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a practical, evidence-based form of psychotherapy focusing on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions. It highlights how negative thinking patterns can lead to unhelpful emotions and behaviors. When you learn to identify and reframe these thoughts in a more constructive way, you can improve your emotional well-being and make positive behavioral changes.

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Elliot Dean
Why Child Psychologists Are the Key to Happy, Healthy Children

Child psychologists play an essential role in enhancing children's mental health and well-being. Through early intervention, guidance, and support, we help students navigate the challenges of academic and personal life. We also collaborate with parents and if needed teachers, to ensure they can identify and address mental health concerns.

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Elliot Dean
Finding the Best Psychiatrist in Dubai

In a diverse city like Dubai, finding the right psychiatrist can be a challenge. You need someone who understands your unique needs and cultural nuances. This guide aims to simplify your search. It provides practical tips and insights to help you find the top psychiatrist in Dubai. Let's embark on this journey towards better mental health together.

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Sarah Rasmi
Fertility treatments in the era of COVID-19

Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ESHRE and the ASRM have issued guidelines for IVF clinics to postpone all fertility treatments and procedures for the healthy population. They recommend freezing oocytes that might have already been collected or embryos that might have resulted from a procedure that had already started, and using them for embryo transfer at a later stage.

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Sarah Rasmicovid19
Helping kids stay calm during the COVID-19 pandemic

It is not easy to manage feelings and stay in control when there is uncertainty. Children are especially vulnerable to unexpected changes. They need support with understanding the situation, managing feelings, and living a full life in the face of social distancing. We have put this comic together to help children understand and manage their anxiety during this difficult time.

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Sarah Rasmicovid19