Parents start weaving their dreams about the baby way before the baby is actually conceived, and losing a child at any stage can have a severe impact on parents. Many people do not realize that miscarriage, stillbirth, and neonatal loss are not uncommon. At the same time, they are extremely painful and difficult. Both parents need time to grieve through the loss and might find it difficult to support one another, let alone themselves.
Social support being limited in Dubai for the expats, it can be even worse. Thankfully, there are passionate groups that can help you navigate this very difficult time. Thrive Wellbeing Centre is here to provide you with individual therapy, couples therapy and support groups to facilitate your healing.
At our psychology clinic, we have three psychologists who can support you deal with your loss - Dr. Kate Prozeller, Dr. Vassiliki Simoglou, and Pashmi Khare (M.Sc.)

Call us now for more information about how we can support you.

We are here to support you and your family.