Perinatal depression or anxiety can occur during pregnancy or within 12 months after delivery. This pregnancy complication is not openly talked about, despite being one of the most common issues that pregnant women and new parents (mothers and fathers) face. It is important to identify depression or other mood disorders during pregnancy and after delivery because they can be detrimental to the parents’ and child’s well-being if left untreated. Early intervention is best, as with other mental health challenges.
Gynaecologists, obstetricians, and other obstetric caregivers can play a vital role in identifying the signs and symptoms during prenatal and postpartum visits. Yet, many of these front-line workers do have the proper screening tools that are needed. This is where we come in.
At Thrive, we will provide you with validated tools to administer the screening along with the information regarding the precipitating factors, red flags, and easy to follow action items regarding referrals and recommendations to your patients according to the severity of the case.
At our psychology clinic, we have four psychologists who can support you in setting up the screening process at your practice - Dr. Sarah Rasmi, Dr. Kate Prozeller, Dr. Vassiliki Simoglou, and Pashmi Khare (M.Sc.)

Call us now for more information about prenatal screening.

We are here to support you and your family.