Fertility treatments in the era of COVID-19

Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ESHRE and the ASRM have issued guidelines for IVF clinics to postpone all fertility treatments and procedures for the healthy population. They recommend freezing oocytes that might have already been collected or embryos that might have resulted from a procedure that had already started, and using them for embryo transfer at a later stage.

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Sarah Rasmicovid19
Helping kids stay calm during the COVID-19 pandemic

It is not easy to manage feelings and stay in control when there is uncertainty. Children are especially vulnerable to unexpected changes. They need support with understanding the situation, managing feelings, and living a full life in the face of social distancing. We have put this comic together to help children understand and manage their anxiety during this difficult time.

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Sarah Rasmicovid19
Managing COVID-19 anxiety

This is a time of great uncertainty for people all over the world and as a result, we are all taking steps to protect our community from the spread of the COVID-19 virus. At the same time, many of us are experiencing fear, worry, anxiety, panic and social isolation. We want you to know, that today and always, Thrive is here for you and at the same time doing everything we can to protect your physical and psychological wellbeing.

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Sarah Rasmicovid19
How to Talk to Your Kids About Leaving Dubai

It's that time of year. Families around the UAE are packing up and getting ready to head home or ship off on a new adventure. Some people are looking forward to the next chapter of their lives, others are dreading the impending move, and a third group are caught in between. Regardless of your circumstances, sharing the news can be difficult, especially when children are involved. Here are our tips for talking to your kids about leaving the UAE.

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Sarah Rasmi
نصيحتنا الأهم في مجال تربية الأطفال قد تفاجئك

يسألنا الكثيرون دوماً عن أهمّ نصيحة يمكن أن نسديها لهم في مجال تربية الأطفال، وعادةً ما يتوقعون أن نذكر أموراً كتشجيع القراءة لدى الأطفال أو معانقتهم بشكل مستمر أو اللعب معهم.  لا شكّ أن كلّ ذلك من أساسيات  التربية ولكنها ليست الأكثر أهمية من منظورنا

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